"for the benefit of the leaders and the led" 

Focused Leadership Development training 

tailor-made to help all your people perform to their very best 
These days, Business Managers have no option.  
They have to equip themselves with the leadership skills that are fit for purpose. It is no longer enough to drive your people forward with a crude set of targets and financial incentives. 
To make the most of your people’s potential, to get them to work well and work smart for you or your business, you need to know what motivates them, what turns them on and what turns them off - as individuals. 
Why is it they work to the level they do and in the way they do?  
What makes them happy at work? 
What motivates them? 
What de-motivates them? 
What causes them to be absent? 
But leadership isn’t only about your people and what makes them tick. It’s also about you - understanding yourself and what makes you tick. 

Training leaders - how we work 

All our leadership courses are bespoke and tailor made specifically for your business needs. 
We hold an initial meeting to develop a better understanding of your business, its goals and its challenges. 

What we cover 

Personal Profile of Leaders 
Leadership vs Management 
Characteristics of an effective leader 
Sharp Assessment 
Find out more about how leadership training can enable you and your people to achieve more from within than ever before 
Call 01908 410894 or send an enquiry 

Other Services Available 

Business Coaching 

Sales training 


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1-2-1 coaching 

C-Me Colour profiling 

D.R.I.V.E. coaching