How can I improve the way I communicate with people?
Posted on 22nd June 2021
“How can I improve the way I communicate with people?”
“What is the reason behind me not instantly getting on with someone?”
“Why do I find some people abrupt?”
“Is it that difficult to make a decision?”
“How much information do they need?”
Hear yourself asking these questions?
These are questions that we often say to ourselves or hear people asking the very same questions to others.
Here is the thing, as much as some of us like to be liked, for some people they just do not care whether they are liked or not. How refreshing!!
This blog is really for those of you who would like to improve your relationship building skills and for those of you who want a better understanding, of how psychology has been simplified and made more accessible to all of us.
What is C-me Profiling?
C-me Profiling is a wonderful tool that I have been using for 5 years, designed by C-me Colour Profiling (Wilsher Group) and whilst I am qualified as a DISC trainer, my go to tool is always C me.
I’ve trained thousands of people using it and to date the feed back has been nothing short of brilliant.
Comments like:
“Wow. You’ve got me sussed”
“How does it produce a report that is so accurate based on answering a few questions?”
We tend to get anything from 95 - 100 % accuracy, which isn’t bad really. The exciting part of the report is where it helps you look into your blind spots – (areas people see in you but you don’t see in yourself). I love it and you will too, especially when you give the report to your partner, wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, husband, etc to read. In most parts they concur with the report and use it to remind you of areas that you need to develop to keep the relationship between you on par.
Now let’s go back to our opening questions
As you read this, stop and answer this question.
Are you someone that likes to be liked?
Before you say everyone likes to be liked, remember what I said in the beginning, not everyone is bothered about being liked.
So, if your answer is yes, the power of influencing and building rapport quickly is in your hands.
Here is a snapshot of what you will discover once you complete the full questionnaire and receive your report.
Red Personality Traits
They are strong leaders, fast paced thinkers, risk takers, purposeful, drivers, strong-willed, less patient, obvious energy, formal, overtly competitive, and rational. You may recognise many of the qualities of the REDS in many leaders who exude confidence. You also find that they are winners and drive hard for success.
Blue Personality Traits
Blues are deep thinkers, analytical in nature, very detail focused and formal in their thinking. They can come across as being aloof, but are deliberate in their approach and systematic, precise and pay attention to detail. They like things in their place and are very organised with good time management skills. They are sticklers for time and can come to their own conclusions without having examples of others pushed at them. They take their time in their thinking and are much slower paced than the reds or yellows.
Yellow Personality Traits
Yellows are the life and soul of the party, they are sociable, expressive, very imaginative and enthusiastic with it. Yellows are very informal, very optimistic and animated. Their imaginations can sometimes run away with them as they are very fast paced thinkers. Yellows are very relationship focused and are visionaries with obvious high energy.
Green Personality Traits
Cool, laid back relaxed and patient best describes the personality traits of the Green. They are easy to get along with and very informal in their approach. They are social and focus on relationships so can come across as emotional. They are much slower paced in their thinking and are very democratic people. They are very understanding and agreeable. They say yes, but mean, no? The green is the go between for the Red's and Yellows who are much faster paced. They act as the facilitator/mediator to conflicts.
Having read the above think about work colleagues and your teams, what colour energy would you say they are?
What we don’t want you to do is to start to pigeonhole people by saying things like, “he/she is a typical red, blue, green or yellow person, but rather say things like, “How can I flex or adapt to communicate effectively with this colour energy”?
Some of the areas you would use C me for would be in recruiting, self-awareness, training, coaching, recognising stress, performance improvement, building a more resilient team and a more sustainable business.
Quick sample test
Have a go at the sample questionnaire here to give you an idea of what colour energy you might be.
Please bear in mind that you will need to complete the full questionnaire to get a detailed report. You can enquire about a full C-me Colour Profile report after completing the sample test or contact us for more information.
You can also let me know what you think about Colour Profiling in the feedback form below and your name may be pulled out of the hat as a lucky winner who will receive a free report.
To find out more about C-me Colour Profiling or any of the other services we provide contact us today
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