Am I truly happy at work?
Posted on 3rd December 2020
How many of us can truly say we are happy in our current job?
In life, we sometimes drift from job to job, without really stopping to think or asking a question like, what do I really want to do, that I am passionate about?
Where it started

I for one started off as a 17-year-old in engineering, completing a City & Guilds in Mechanical Engineering, to become a skilled Engineer.
“get a trade, I hear my dad saying, get a trade” … so I did.
Did it make it me happy? - Not really
Did I enjoy doing it? - No
Did I look forward to getting up and rushing to work because it was my passion? - Errrmm let me think about this one… No way.
Did I learn from it? Yes, I did.
It taught me life skills, like understanding people’s personalities. It taught me how to deal with racism at a young age. I learnt how to communicate with managers that abused their position of power by using it like a loose cannon.
The human mind

My fascination of how the human mind works and what makes people tick started then, I kept asking questions like:
Why do some people act the way they do?
Why is that person angry all the time?
Why is that person talking to himself all the time?
Why is that person the joker of the pack and likes to be ridiculed and humiliated?
Why is that person sad most of the time?
Why is that person so happy?
It’s no surprise that I gravitated towards the happy people. This was my experience leaving school and entering the world of adulthood in my first job.
Mind mapping
The very first book I read to do with the mind was way back in the early 80s called Mind Mapping by Tony Buzan. It covered things like speed reading, increasing your memory and powerful brainstorming. My curiosity didn’t stop there, I went on to studying body language, which was useful for my second job as a sales person. What I found was that by naturally building rapport quickly, I could communicate with people at all levels allowing me to build relationships and provide whatever products and services I had to offer at the time.
To the outside world, you would think that I was living the dream, but was I truly happy and passionate about what I was doing?
Finding what I am happy doing
I enjoyed the trappings of being a very good salesman earning lots of money and spending it, I hasten to add, but was I truly happy?
I loved the accolade of being good at selling and liked as a salesman. I loved the challenges, the company cars, the incentive programmes, the holidays, but was I truly happy?
Skipping through the years, I have arrived at a place where I can say I am truly happy with what I am doing. (Read my book D.R.I.V.E to peak performance which details a lot more than I can reveal in a blog). I enjoy what I am doing, I get satisfaction from what I am doing and I help others to do the same. Guess what, I get paid for doing it, isn’t that wonderful!
So, are you truly happy with what you are doing?
Here’s one for you to ponder on, “If you could do something that you truly enjoy doing and could get paid for doing it, what would it be”?
Then ask yourself this question:
What am I assuming here that is stopping me doing what I really enjoy doing? Stay silent and listen for the answer.
As we approach the end of 2020, how will you make 2021 a better or great year?
"All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them”
Walt Disney
To find out more about the services we provide and how we help people think about where they are going and where they want to be contact us today
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